Anyhoo, this weekend was PACKED. Saturday was opening day for T-Ball:

It was the first really sunny and hot day of the year, so along with lovely memories (and not a few tears in Mommy's eyes) Josie and I brought home great, big sunburns. OUCH. Sigh. Anyway, Patrick did well, and I was so proud of them both out there. All the little kids in their huge batting helmets, and one little boy who held up his baseball pants with one hand while he ran, just cracked me up. One boy was so excited every time he got the ball he turned in circles because he couldn't figure out for the life of him where to throw it! Oh, it was too, too funny.
Then, yesterday was Josie's piano recital, where she actually played the organ for both songs.
She's so short that they have to crank the seat almost all the way up!
Now, it's Monday again, and DH is working late to make up for time he's missed at a doctor's appointment this morning. He found out that he has to have his other hernia operation now, because the one that they left last time because it was small, and not near the other one he had fixed, is now large enough that it will be a problem. At least this time it will be laprascopy (I know I spelled *that* wrong), rather than regular incisions. Poor DH. It runs in the family, so it's not a surprise, but still. :(
I saw the photo of Josie and thought, wow- she is all grown up. All of a sudden she looks older. Then I saw the video and wow- she is talented and looked even more grown up (minus the pigtails which were super cute). You must be very proud.
Sounds like a nice weekend. My 4 year old tries T-ball for the first time at the end of May. I will be sure to bring my video camera!
T ball! I can't wait for T ball!
And Josie is SUPER impressive. What a great sounding weekend!
Josie looks so wee compared to that organ.
Whereas I don't miss much of what it takes to parent younger children, t-ball is definitely one of them!
Look at those beautiful and talented children!
i love rainy days too : ) and josie looks so small sitting at that huge organ! for some reason my laptop does not like videos so i get 2 seconds, then pause, 3 seconds then pause. but from what i heard it was awesome and i know you're incredibly proud! wow!!
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