Friday, December 12, 2008

Egad! Rodencia!

Oh, holy hell, I just finished decorating seven dozen cookies, and went to empty the dishwasher so I could load it full of baking stuff, and what should I find in my cabinet but mouse poop all over the giant cabinet space under the counter, from under the sink all the way to the wall, where we keep the pet stuff, bowls, plasticware for the kids, and all the tupperware. For heaven's sake, we have a CAT! Isn't this HER job?!

So, tonight, the cabinet is cleaned and empty but for some plastic bottles of dog vitamins, and the door will remain open so the cat can get in there and crawl around. She's in there now, actually, so hopefully there will be a gift for me in the morning. Otherwise, it's off to Lowes for some traps. Sigh.

I shouldn't be surprised. We had a few mice at our old place, too. Still, what do I have to do, hermetically seal the place in a giant ziploc baggie?!


LoriD said...

Gah! We had a mouse problem last winter. I would lay traps, clean out the cupboards, stuff holes with steel wool... everything I was supposed to do. When I would still find little droppings, I would be filled with rage. I hope your cat does her job!

AndreAnna said...

As of right now, I think we caught the little bastards in my house. Unfortunately, my fat cat is no help. Hope yours is better!

d e v a n said...

Go get it kitty!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Panic! The very thought makes me reach for a paper bag. A cat is the only solution- those nasty buggers can outsmart all the other stuff. Unless you can find a bubble big enough for everyone to live in...

Kelsey said...

Harper can be a roaming eater and I frequently find cracker bits or cereal in odd places - and my first thought is always that we must not have mice. . . surely they would do a better job cleaning up!

I applaud your calm handling of the situation - I would be freaking out a bit.