My Swee-T Pea,
You are the light of my life. Your eyes, and pink cheeks, and laugh captivated me from day 1.

At 25, I had no idea what I was getting into. We weren't even married a year when you were born, just before our first anniversary. Your temper was something to see!!! But so was your joy.

I love your laugh, your beautiful dimples that you got from your daddy, and your quick smile.
Silly or serious, you are the most lovely little girl in the world to me.
More than that, though, I love your beauty on the inside. You honestly care about others, and are always willing to help, to step in and do what needs to be done to make something right. You are fair, and don't base your thoughts or opinions on what others say, traits which I am both proud and a little in awe of in a person so young.
You are both artistically talented and intellectually gifted. You fill my heart and our home with music.
I am so impressed by all you have achieved, and so very excited to see what you will do next. I love that we are able to relate on an increasingly personal level, as snarky people as well as parent-child, and I look forward to when you are grown, and to having someone as wonderful as you for my best friend.
How sweet!
Very sweet! Happy Birthday!
(P.S. I had a honeymoon baby, so I'm so with ya on the "not being married a year" yet. LOL)
(P.P.S. My word verification is "stylin" LOLOL)
Happy Birthday!
Her baby cheeks were scrumptious!
oh astarte, this was incredibly sweet! happy bday to josie--she's so lucky to have a mom like you. and she's an awesome, awesome girl.
Awe look at those cheeks!!
Happy birthday to Josie!!!
Happy Birthday Josie! What a sweet post.
How sweet! Happy birthday Josie!
Yay! This made me cry (not too hard to accomplish these days but still). I love the photos. I love the sentiments.
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday to you little bunny!!! :D
Ross and I almost died at how cute the Bunny and Kix photo!!! LOL *LOVE*
You guys are so lucky to have each other, I love the best friend part :)
(May 15th was my due date on Violet, had he May 6th ;)
Happy (belated) Birthday!
Love the baby pics...and her adorableness! :)
Happy belated Birthday, Josie. The 1st picture made my Monday!!
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