Well, here we are, buried in snow again.
I know, I know, to you midwesterners and Canadians, what's been happening over here in the mid-Atlantic is nothing. Hell, I've seen worse myself, having lived in New England until Iwas 23. However, for this part of the country, this is incredible. After all, it didn't even snow AT ALL last winter (which was a terrible disappointment). Frankly, I feel that if it's going to be cold and winter, it might as well snow, and the more snow, the better. I would be thrilled if we got a yard every week. Eventually, the county would get used to it and the kids would return to school.

Oh, you didn't know that kids don't go to school here when there's snow? Welcome to my world, people. The kids haven't been in school since noon last Friday, and from where I'm sitting, it's more than likely that there will be no school this week, period. There are many places that haven't finished digging out from the 30in we got over the weekend, nevermind the new 10-20in we're getting between yesterday and today!
So, the kids and I have been having a LOT more together time than usual. Josie is doing OK, but Patrick is starting to crack. He needs to get out and go to school. He's run out of normal things to talk about nonstop, and has moved on to the ridiculous - " What if we got millions of inches of snow?!" "What if snowplows fell from the sky?" "What if cars all piled up like giants?" It's the what if's that are going to kill me people. Snow, blizzards, 40mph winds, fine, but the what if's are going to drive me straight to Jack Nicholson territory.
Know what's great about heavy snow, though? Watching the dogs plow through it, and the concerned looks on their faces when they have to figure out how to poop in snow up to their necks. Mostly, though, they tear around like crazy people and beat down what amounts to racetracks in the snow.

At least DH is finally home. Like AndreAnna, I didn't mention this much (if at all), but DH hasn't really been around since new year's. He was gone the entire first week of the month at a conference in CA, and two days after he returned, a massive request for proposal was issued from the government that involved the merging of a contract his company won years ago and that of another contractor. As manager of the entire technical portion of the 75pp proposal, he had to be there pretty much all the time. Since he got back from CA, DH has pretty much been living at the office, getting home later and later until, finally, he started staying overnight. Last week, he stayed Wed night, and then, knowing we were going to get a ton of snow, he got a hotel room near his office last Friday... and then proceeded to be snowed in THERE rather than here at home. (Yes, people, that means I waded out and shoveled the sidewalk, front and back walks, and our two car driveway BY MYSELF last weekend, all 30in of it.) Then, Monday night, the powers that be decided to pull an all-nighter to get the thing out a day early, so they worked from the usual 7am Monday until noon yesterday straight. DH got home around 1:30, and will be taking off the rest of the week.
Glad he's finally home and staying now. Maybe you can get to the spa!!
We have been pretty much deprived of snow this year. I hate it. I'm with you - if it's going to be this cold, it might as well snow.
I can't imagine. Can't! Hope it melts or stops soon and THEY GO BACK TO SCHOOL! Your house looks very pretty in the snow though.
Dang - that's a lot of snow.
Dogs + Snow are SO much fun!!
We had our first snow day yesterday, and I was shocked. Our district NEVER cancels. EVER.
i love your snow pictures and totally get the endless bizarre question frustration! LOL and i love your jack reference : ) we had about 8 inches here week before last and the kids were out all but one day. i was sooo ready for them to go back to school and i think secretly they were too.
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